Tuesday, June 21, 2016


I was re-reading my blog from last year and most of the prompts were different, so I've decided to answer them again to see just how different my answers will be.


Already answered Color, Song, Movie, Food, Restaurant, Drink, and Book.

  1. TV show (anime): Black Butler + 
  2. Website: Funimation.com
  3. Choose your own favorite category x2 (I'll pick two new ones): 
  4. Favorite Movie (Live Action): Now You See Me franchise
  5. Favorite Dessert: Chocolate Chip Cookies + Milk, also Vanilla Ice Cream


What is something that makes you smile? 
      When I get to see a movie I've been wanting to see, when I listen to a really good song or when a song I love comes on on the radio.

What is the most adventurous thing you have ever done? 
       Going overseas and climbing 533 steps.


If you could shape-shift into any object, what would it be? (No animals :P)
     I would shape-shift into a robot so I could still do stuff.


What is a place you would like to go at least once in your life? Describe it and tell us why you want to go there.
     I want to go to Japan because I really love the culture, not just the anime. Their technology is also really advanced and I'd love to see it.


Summarize your experience this week using only one syllable words. (I guess I'll do last week)
         Cool and fun.


Picture yourself three years from now. Tell us about what you see! What about five years? Ten years? Twenty?

Three Years: Finishing my freshman year of college.

Five Years: Finishing my junior year of college.

Ten Years: I have a Bachelor's in Computer Science, and a good job somewhere like 
                    Broadway.com. I may have a family now or not.

Twenty Years: I'm doing well at my job and I most likely will have a family.


If you could create a spell, what would you name it and what would it do?
      My spell would be able to put anything into a space so that I don't have to carry it around and the spell would also take it out. It would be called: Evicicus Horribigeo.


If you could have any animal, real of fictional, as your pet/sidekick, what would it be?
       I would have Ignatius from the Summoner series by Taran Matharu.


A witch's curse has changed you into a living portrait (or a piece of artwork). What do you look like?

       I'd probably look like one of the portraits from Harry Potter, since I am a Slytherin after 


What woman, dead or alive, has inspired you? 

J.K. Rowling has inspired me because Harry Potter was, at first, just an idea on a napkin from a coffee shop.

And that's it! All the blog prompts from last year. I'll have to look and see what my answers were last year to see how different they are.

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